18 мая 2023 года на конференции The 3rd International Conference on Innovative Research in Applied Science, Engineering and Technology - IRASET’2023 будут предствлены доклады
Идет набор студентов 2 курса и выпускников бакалавриата на кафедру МФТИ и стажеров ВШЭ.
Компания яляется базой студентов ФЭФМ по специализации "Открытые информационные технологии" и Кафедры ЭВМ ФРКТ .
Основные курсы, которые будут предложены студентам, принятым на проекты:
Для записи на собеседование необходимо прислать CV с указанием выбранного проекта на адрес info@cos.ru
В ответ Вы получите задачу, которая должна быть решена за 15 календарных дней.
После этого соискатель проходит собеседование и по его результатам принимается решение о рекомендации к зачислению на кафедру.
Предполагается стажировка летом 2023 года (месяц работаем/месяц отдыхаем)
Предлагаемые темы:
SIM.SIM -- имитационная модель складской системы (1)
MAFIA -- оценка психофизиологического состояния игроков (1) РФ
ACOUSTIC -- обнаружение ситуаций на основе волоконно оптического детектора (2) РФ
SIEM -- обнаружение инцидентов информационной безопасности (2)
PANOCOS -- построение панорам на основе множества камер машинного зрения (1)
AICELL -- применение нейронных сетей для анализа гистологических образцов тканей (2)
PUBL -- анализ публикационной активности и предсказание роста числа публикаций в различных узких областях исследований (1-2)
SOCCER -- аналитика футбольных матчей (1--2)
RADAR -- разработка прототипа радиолокатора и его использование в составе лабораторного практикума по радиолокации на основе MITSAR (1--2)
The report proposes a new method for tracking the trajectories of objects in highly loaded scenes - Monte-Carlo Trajectory Optimization (MCTO). The main difference from methods with data association is the choice of the optimization object. Instead of searching for optimal connections that maximize the plausibility of the detected objects, it is proposed to parameterize the trajectories of the objects, and then maximize the plausibility of observations by varying these parameters.
In "Computer reserches and Modelling" the article of E.V. Meleshko, T. S. Afanasenko, Sh. M. Gadzhimirzayev, R. A. Pashkov, A.A. Gilya-Zetinov, E.A. Tsybulko, A.S. Zaitseva, A.V. Khelvas Discrete simulation of the road restoration process
This work contains a description of the results of modeling the process of maintaining the readiness of a section of the road network under strikes of with specified parameters. A one-dimensional section of road up to 40 km long with a total number of strikes up to 100 during the work of the brigade is considered. A simulation model has been developed for carrying out work to maintain it in working condition by several groups (engineering teams) that are part of the engineering and road division. A multicopter-type unmanned aerial vehicle is used to search for the points of appearance of obstacles. Life cycle schemes of the main participants of the tactical scene have been developed and an event-driven model of the tactical scene has been built. The format of the event log generated as a result of simulation modeling of the process of maintaining a road section is proposed. To visualize the process of maintaining the readiness of a road section, it is proposed to use visualization in the cyclogram format.
An XSL style has been developed for building a cyclogram based on an event log. As an algorithm for making a decision on the assignment of barriers to brigades, the simplest algorithm has been adopted, prescribing choosing the nearest barrier. A criterion describing the effectiveness of maintenance work on the site based on the assessment of the average speed of vehicles on the road section is proposed. Graphs of the dependence of the criterion value and the root-meansquare error depending on the length of the maintained section are plotted and an estimate is obtained for the maximum length of the road section maintained in a state of readiness with specified values for the selected quality indicator with specified characteristics of striking and performance of repair crews. The expediency of carrying out work to maintain readiness by several brigades that are part of the engineering and road division operating autonomously is shown.
The influence of the speed of the unmanned aerial vehicle on the ability to maintain the readiness of the road section is analyzed. The speed range for from 10 to 70 km/h is considered, which corresponds to the technical capabilities of multicoptertype reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles. The simulation results can be used as part of a complex simulation model of an army offensive or defensive operation and for solving the problem of optimizing the assignment of tasks to maintain the readiness of road sections to engineering and road brigades. The proposed approach may be of interest for the development of military-oriented strategy games.